Dear Blog....
Kali ni aku nak post dlm bahasa melayu boley?? asyik2 english je...bosan....hmmmm so mukadimah nyer skarang...actually, assignment aku da abes...semua da complete....but still waiting for tak boley lar nak balik lagi...and ade lagi 4 assignment yang on da wat nak skarang aku amek mase sket utk post something dalam blog nie...and insyallah 11/12/2010 nie aku akan balik ke tanah air dan yang kompem nyer 30/12/2010 kene balik kolej da sebab aktiviti OC da stat....sangat lame kan cuti aku sem nie...2 minggu je hahaha~ opps terpanjang plak mukadimah aku....
So back to da topik...kat sini walaupun terlambat...aku nk ucapkan gudluck and semoge jmpe lagi pade dak2 batch jul-dis 2008 course DAB DIA and DBS yang sudah pn berjaye tamatkan diorang pnye pengajian kat sini...buat pengetahuan ko BLOG....kat kolej aku skarang dak2 batch aku yg tinggal sme dak HND and sikit2 course laen yg kene extend...bile pikir2 balek agak sedeyh lar bile teringat sebelum nie ramai je dak2 batch kitorang kat kolej tuh...and sem depan da takde takde lar kitorang nk maen futsal bersame lepak besame tegor2 sme tu da takde....
Yang paling sedeyh nye 3-4 ari lepas time aku pegi kolej...ramai je yang da packing including dak2 yang dok asrama utk bercuti semester...tapi kami dak2 HND still kat sini utk get ready for redo...and time tu gak ar nampak dak2 batch aku yg jmpe buat kali terakhir before mereke go on for LI (latihan industri) then teros grad lepas tu...
Sori ar post aku kali ni nampak ter emo lebey...bukan sebelum nie meriah gak ar kolej...kalo jmpe dak2 course laen tegor2...then kalo dikire geng2 futsal kebanyakkannye sme da sem depan kitorang dak2 HND ni da takde geng da nk maen futsal...bukan takat tu je...buat pengetahuan ko wahai BLOG, rumah 59 agak baek dengan geng2 budak rumah BOB ALI (amboi) and dlo kitorang slalo lar gi becuti same2 gabungan 2 rumah contoh nyer cam awl sem ni...kitorang ke Jeram Toi...mandi air terjon...tu sumpah aku ckp mmg best gile....dapat spend time bile pikir2 balik.. kat situ aku da hilang da 2 geng2 utk berhappy2.....and bukan aku nk kate ngan dak2 uma aku kalo pegi tak happy...but dari segi number of people...bak kate orang lagi ramai lagi best betol tak...tambah plak yang ade tu mmg rapat...contoh nyer dak2 uma bob and the geng.....kalo futsal plak...aku tak taw lar sem depan nk maen ngan geng mane...sebab biase nye dlm mase 2 jam tu koman2 ade 4 team dlm satu padang...sape yang maen tu taw lar betape bestnyer kalo maen ramai2....
Dear blog....
For your information, i write this post right after i have lil bit conversation with her in the the way the reason y i write this post is to say thank you again for spending lil bit of your time for listening to my problem until both of us ran out of prepaid...even though the conversation still lil bit maen2 and not too serious about the topic but actually i feel lil bit relieve, at least one of the person i trust the most listening and giving some advices to me....
Actually, in that conversation...i try to make up for both of us but hahaha you totally rejecting it...dammit...haha for you of course it is easy to forget the past right?? but for me like i always told you even though in the tone of maen2 but still im being serious all the is actually hard for me....but until now i'll try kayh to forget the past.... sorry for the rush hahaha~
So blog...right know i already got someone on my mind....and for your information its been 6 month now that she manage get into my mind as time goes by the feelin become more and more stronger(for ur information its not BELIAU kayh it juz became a memory)....and you not gonna believe it...for the first time ever in my life i've told someone about it hahaha maybe i trust him thats y i told SYUKRI its between both of us only kayh for wat i told you earlier in the morning haha about the second BLOG i hope you pray for me that i can get her kayh...rite now im being serious bout it....cause i really2 need to forget bout the what she said to me just now...let pass be all i got to do is workin up a little bit for pray for me ya BLOG??!! really need it...
in the end i would like to thanks DAYANA for the advice u gave to me earlier and dont worry, i try to move on like you say...past is past rite?? hahaha~
and also SYUK!!! igt rahsia kita hahaha SHHHH~
For your information, i write this post right after i have lil bit conversation with her in the the way the reason y i write this post is to say thank you again for spending lil bit of your time for listening to my problem until both of us ran out of prepaid...even though the conversation still lil bit maen2 and not too serious about the topic but actually i feel lil bit relieve, at least one of the person i trust the most listening and giving some advices to me....
Actually, in that conversation...i try to make up for both of us but hahaha you totally rejecting it...dammit...haha for you of course it is easy to forget the past right?? but for me like i always told you even though in the tone of maen2 but still im being serious all the is actually hard for me....but until now i'll try kayh to forget the past.... sorry for the rush hahaha~
So blog...right know i already got someone on my mind....and for your information its been 6 month now that she manage get into my mind as time goes by the feelin become more and more stronger(for ur information its not BELIAU kayh it juz became a memory)....and you not gonna believe it...for the first time ever in my life i've told someone about it hahaha maybe i trust him thats y i told SYUKRI its between both of us only kayh for wat i told you earlier in the morning haha about the second BLOG i hope you pray for me that i can get her kayh...rite now im being serious bout it....cause i really2 need to forget bout the what she said to me just now...let pass be all i got to do is workin up a little bit for pray for me ya BLOG??!! really need it...
in the end i would like to thanks DAYANA for the advice u gave to me earlier and dont worry, i try to move on like you say...past is past rite?? hahaha~
and also SYUK!!! igt rahsia kita hahaha SHHHH~
Can you feel my heartbeat??!!!
Dear blog...
Yesterday morning i went to the college with my classmate Rain to ask sumthing about our assignment "Computer Platform" we took quite long time to see our lecturer because she was busy with the final exam....
After shes back.....we both ask many question to her regarding the time goes, more and more people come to the department...some of them come for subject tracking and some of them come for assignment purposes....
Actually before we go to the college, i already feel that sumthing might happen that day...and as i expected, while havin chat with the lecturer, suddenly someone i adore so much come in...yes of none other than HER...yes again...its that time my heart suddenly beating like crazy but i try to cover it up by jokin with the lecturer.....
This post i think if she read it...i know she will know that it is her...MAYBE...hahaha..!!
Thats all for today....sometime when i read my own blog it looks like this blog is only meant to post things about something happen to me related to HER....aiyooooo!! i dont care lah....this IS MY BLOG rite....!!
Yesterday morning i went to the college with my classmate Rain to ask sumthing about our assignment "Computer Platform" we took quite long time to see our lecturer because she was busy with the final exam....
After shes back.....we both ask many question to her regarding the time goes, more and more people come to the department...some of them come for subject tracking and some of them come for assignment purposes....
Actually before we go to the college, i already feel that sumthing might happen that day...and as i expected, while havin chat with the lecturer, suddenly someone i adore so much come in...yes of none other than HER...yes again...its that time my heart suddenly beating like crazy but i try to cover it up by jokin with the lecturer.....
This post i think if she read it...i know she will know that it is her...MAYBE...hahaha..!!
Thats all for today....sometime when i read my own blog it looks like this blog is only meant to post things about something happen to me related to HER....aiyooooo!! i dont care lah....this IS MY BLOG rite....!!
Dear blog....
As i write the post down there....i take this opportunity to write a post kinda related with time goes by so many things i heard about you from my friends...its not the good things...but bad things about you...Its not like i ask them to stalk you or watever..but the new just came in you can see i trust my friends especially my housemate 59's of whatever they told me....but if it is about YOU i try not to believe it and if it true there must be a reason behind that....even though you can see that I'm overreacted about this although nothing happen between us ....but it doesn't bother me because...i dunno...ermm you manage to make me dream about you several times and give me some hope to begin new life so that i can forget the past....hmmm
That's all i wanna say in this post and i hope she read and know that this post and other 2 posts is about her.......annyeong..!!
As i write the post down there....i take this opportunity to write a post kinda related with time goes by so many things i heard about you from my friends...its not the good things...but bad things about you...Its not like i ask them to stalk you or watever..but the new just came in you can see i trust my friends especially my housemate 59's of whatever they told me....but if it is about YOU i try not to believe it and if it true there must be a reason behind that....even though you can see that I'm overreacted about this although nothing happen between us ....but it doesn't bother me because...i dunno...ermm you manage to make me dream about you several times and give me some hope to begin new life so that i can forget the past....hmmm
That's all i wanna say in this post and i hope she read and know that this post and other 2 posts is about her.......annyeong..!!
Dream again 2....
Dear blog..... manage to appear in my dream again last night....hmm this time in different situation....still you with the other guy and both of you just like mocking me by taking picture with me..without even talk to me....but still she manage to appear in my dream again last night...what does it mean??? somebody help me...this is the second time in 4 days it because i miss her?? but2...never talk to her or text her since that day....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~ manage to appear in my dream again last night....hmm this time in different situation....still you with the other guy and both of you just like mocking me by taking picture with me..without even talk to me....but still she manage to appear in my dream again last night...what does it mean??? somebody help me...this is the second time in 4 days it because i miss her?? but2...never talk to her or text her since that day....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~
Penemuan Pelik lagi
Dear Blog....
Today as i was sightseeing at the facebook suddenly i found something amusing posted by my friend.....and from that i want to share with you guys....
Have you ever go to
So here i want you guys to do....
Thats all for today...try search for more amusing direction from google maps hahaha
Cr. Tetsuya & Google Maps
Today as i was sightseeing at the facebook suddenly i found something amusing posted by my friend.....and from that i want to share with you guys....
Have you ever go to
So here i want you guys to do....
- Go to
- Click Get Direction
- Type Taiwan as start location
- and Japan as End Location
- Then click Get Direction
- Kindly look at step 24
- Haha nice isn't it???
- Repeat Step 1 till 5 (start with China n End with Japan)
- Kindly look at step 42
- Haha nice again rite???
Thats all for today...try search for more amusing direction from google maps hahaha
Cr. Tetsuya & Google Maps
Dream again...
Dear Blog....
Yesterday + This early morning finally i manage to complete DAD assignment safely and proudly hehe...but thats not the point of this topic...actually what i just wanna say is that, this morning when i finally can sleep...i have this dream...and someone appear on it...and you would not believe it...its HER(beliau) again...after long period of time she did not appear in my dream and there she is this morning...but sadly she appear with someone else...hehe dunno why i dream about her old folks says...dreams is the devils game?? haha but seriously this dream got me right on the head and make me kinda blank when woke up....Y,Why~
Yesterday + This early morning finally i manage to complete DAD assignment safely and proudly hehe...but thats not the point of this topic...actually what i just wanna say is that, this morning when i finally can sleep...i have this dream...and someone appear on it...and you would not believe it...its HER(beliau) again...after long period of time she did not appear in my dream and there she is this morning...but sadly she appear with someone else...hehe dunno why i dream about her old folks says...dreams is the devils game?? haha but seriously this dream got me right on the head and make me kinda blank when woke up....Y,Why~
So Sorry My Friend
Dear blog...
The reason i make this post today is to officially apologies to my dearest friend SALLY i know that our joke was actually too here i would like to say "Mianhe" "Gomennasai" my friend.
Don't worry from now on I'll be more and extra careful with words and I'll not make any more silly joke kay friend ^^
That's all !!!
The reason i make this post today is to officially apologies to my dearest friend SALLY i know that our joke was actually too here i would like to say "Mianhe" "Gomennasai" my friend.
Don't worry from now on I'll be more and extra careful with words and I'll not make any more silly joke kay friend ^^
That's all !!!
Cerita Pulang Ke Tanah Air 2
Hye guys.....
ermm sori sbb tak update....bukan malas but tak larat....bley plak ngah happy2 dapat balik...tetibe demam huh...mmg tak best....
So aritu aku cerita smpai mane ek....ermmm gi tengok kucing besar rimau kan....ermm btw aku tak dpt pn tgk...sbb time aku pegi tu orang tu da simpan...dpt tgk anak dye je bak kater member aku...kecewa kat situ....
Then kitorang pn blah camtuh je gi plak beli tiket aku nak balik....yang lagi best nyer...bas yg aku nk sme da abes huh....mmg balik kali nie takde luck...sme tak menjadi daripade ley turon kat kajang...tepakse turon kat pekeliling....huh jaoh2..!!!
Mende tak best nie still continue even aku dah nak balek sane....bas buat problem....bayangkan baru keluar dari platform da behenti...alasannye ader pakcik nak buang terbantut lar perjalanan kitorang and brader sblh aku da bising2 biler da settle bas aku pn behenti lagi kat petrol station near UMP adoi....dalam hati aku ckp "isi minyak plak dah" and dengan kesempatan ni....ramai penumpang turon utk shopping makanan and buang air wat so ever (temasok aku ^^) agak lame gak ar...dah abes isi minyak pn still ade makhluk tak naek bas lg....huh menyirap jer....then mcm biase semua bas akan behenti after 1-2 hours perjalanan...and bas aku decide behenti kat Lanchang...kat situ takde pape lar....yang best gile barbies nyer....dah sampai KL dah kowt...still ade lar brader?(tak pasti jantina) mintak drive behenti kat petrol station sbb nk buang air...bley plak....dah lar time tu da maghrib..menyirap je aku jalan kat kl da lar tgh jem....lagi menyirap....lepas pade tu bas aku pn troskan pejalanan ke pekililing and dlm on da way gi sane ade perkare burok berlaku....sedap2 bas aku amek LAP...tetibe kat dlm bas tu hujan beg...beg yg kitorang letak kat atas kepale tu jatuh....termasok LAPTOP AKU!!!!! seb baek lar tak rosak...huh nk menanges aku atas bas tuh...tahan je...!! BTW lupe nak gi taw...bas yang aku amek nie adalah bas
So bile da smpai aku pn amek lar lrt menuju ke bandar tasik selatan...agak jaoh gak perjalanan....bile da smpai....aku kene plak amek KTM utk ke kajang...yang nie yang saket nyer....lepas aku turon dari lrt cepat2 aku call dak umah aku MIE mintak tolong amek aku kat KTM Kajang...bile aku da bli tiket sme..train pn senang ati ar...takde lar bad luck sgt...tapi senang ati tu tak lame ar...tgk2 train penoh cam sardin....bapak ar...belari2 aku nak naek...tapi tak terlepas lar kat situ...sejam gak ar...nk tunggu next train....waddahell kan....tension aku...sblm next train aku smpai...2-3 biji gak ar train dari opposite lalu...lagi waddahell menyirap aku.....
So bile da smpai kajang aku pn balek ar...and sebab kesian kat member aku tu da tunggu sejam...aku blanje lar dye KFC jom jimat haha jimat sket...memandangkan aku takde duit...then slamat lar smpai kat uma...and for your information...smpai je sini...demam aku maken terok...till today...still tak baek lagi T_T ahhhdoi assignment byk nak kene buat nie...doakan aku baek cepat kayh.....chiaaawww!!
p/s: pengajarannye...jangan balek dalam keadaan kelam kabut mcm aku...kompem ade mende tak kene T_T
ermm sori sbb tak update....bukan malas but tak larat....bley plak ngah happy2 dapat balik...tetibe demam huh...mmg tak best....
So aritu aku cerita smpai mane ek....ermmm gi tengok kucing besar rimau kan....ermm btw aku tak dpt pn tgk...sbb time aku pegi tu orang tu da simpan...dpt tgk anak dye je bak kater member aku...kecewa kat situ....
Then kitorang pn blah camtuh je gi plak beli tiket aku nak balik....yang lagi best nyer...bas yg aku nk sme da abes huh....mmg balik kali nie takde luck...sme tak menjadi daripade ley turon kat kajang...tepakse turon kat pekeliling....huh jaoh2..!!!
Mende tak best nie still continue even aku dah nak balek sane....bas buat problem....bayangkan baru keluar dari platform da behenti...alasannye ader pakcik nak buang terbantut lar perjalanan kitorang and brader sblh aku da bising2 biler da settle bas aku pn behenti lagi kat petrol station near UMP adoi....dalam hati aku ckp "isi minyak plak dah" and dengan kesempatan ni....ramai penumpang turon utk shopping makanan and buang air wat so ever (temasok aku ^^) agak lame gak ar...dah abes isi minyak pn still ade makhluk tak naek bas lg....huh menyirap jer....then mcm biase semua bas akan behenti after 1-2 hours perjalanan...and bas aku decide behenti kat Lanchang...kat situ takde pape lar....yang best gile barbies nyer....dah sampai KL dah kowt...still ade lar brader?(tak pasti jantina) mintak drive behenti kat petrol station sbb nk buang air...bley plak....dah lar time tu da maghrib..menyirap je aku jalan kat kl da lar tgh jem....lagi menyirap....lepas pade tu bas aku pn troskan pejalanan ke pekililing and dlm on da way gi sane ade perkare burok berlaku....sedap2 bas aku amek LAP...tetibe kat dlm bas tu hujan beg...beg yg kitorang letak kat atas kepale tu jatuh....termasok LAPTOP AKU!!!!! seb baek lar tak rosak...huh nk menanges aku atas bas tuh...tahan je...!! BTW lupe nak gi taw...bas yang aku amek nie adalah bas
So bile da smpai aku pn amek lar lrt menuju ke bandar tasik selatan...agak jaoh gak perjalanan....bile da smpai....aku kene plak amek KTM utk ke kajang...yang nie yang saket nyer....lepas aku turon dari lrt cepat2 aku call dak umah aku MIE mintak tolong amek aku kat KTM Kajang...bile aku da bli tiket sme..train pn senang ati ar...takde lar bad luck sgt...tapi senang ati tu tak lame ar...tgk2 train penoh cam sardin....bapak ar...belari2 aku nak naek...tapi tak terlepas lar kat situ...sejam gak ar...nk tunggu next train....waddahell kan....tension aku...sblm next train aku smpai...2-3 biji gak ar train dari opposite lalu...lagi waddahell menyirap aku.....
So bile da smpai kajang aku pn balek ar...and sebab kesian kat member aku tu da tunggu sejam...aku blanje lar dye KFC jom jimat haha jimat sket...memandangkan aku takde duit...then slamat lar smpai kat uma...and for your information...smpai je sini...demam aku maken terok...till today...still tak baek lagi T_T ahhhdoi assignment byk nak kene buat nie...doakan aku baek cepat kayh.....chiaaawww!!
p/s: pengajarannye...jangan balek dalam keadaan kelam kabut mcm aku...kompem ade mende tak kene T_T
Cerita Pulang Ke Tanah Air
Ehem dear blog.....
Alhamdulillah setelah dekat 3 bulan aku tak balek umah....dpt gak akhirnye balik bercuti kat uma....itu pn decide last minute....seb baek lar ader tiket huhuhu....ermm sbnrnye ape yg aku nk g taw nie adalah story sepanjang perjalanan aku balik hingga lar da ade kat kuantan nie...ehem2....nk start nie....
Around kol 12 lebey dengan baek hatinye...DM antar aku gi KTM Kajang sbb bas aku kat bukit jalil (sangat malas nk naek KTM) berat gak ar hati nk balik sbb perlu naek KTM n LRT...then da beli tiket....ngah sedap2 jalan utk tunggu train tetibe nmpak kalibat kawan sekolej hahaha....rupe2nye orang tua LAH bersama Cicoi? and sorang wanita....rupe2nye awek dye hehehehe kantoi...!!!! lepas jmpe sorang...jmpe lagi sorang...IQ plak...memule igtkan dier datang sorang2....rupe2nye...ngan awek gak....huhu aku gak yg sorang....huh...biler lar nk ade awek nie....
Tapi yang rase x bestnyer biler train da smpai......adoi ramai nyer berhimpit2....masok2 je baru aku sedar...dalam 'gerabak' tu ader 2 orang laki je termasok aku...huh mmg betol lar makin dekat da kiamat...bayangkan....2 laki...yang laen perempuan....penuh plak tuh...eiii~ biler nak betobat nie.....
Then terperuk lar aku kat bukit jalil tu selame 1 jam lebeyh....hihi tu lar sape suroh datang awal sgt (act. sbb first time naek kat situ) then slamat lar aku naek bas....and selamat smpai...and my dad fetch me up with his new car hehehe first time naek kete baru my dad...tapi tak sempat nk bawak pown...esk dye nak anta my mom ke KL so tak sempat nk bawak lari kereta tu sbb ahad nk balek wuuuu~~
Haa berbalik pade topik ni....baru tadi me and my family exclude my brother pergi dinner kat Black Canyon ECM....hehe makan lar aku kat situ smpai kenyang gile2....then my sis blanje BR(Baskin Robin) dengar belanje tu best da....but in the end...aku makan sikit je...sbb dye pegi amek flavor of the month (gingerbread) ouhhh sangat lar mengiiiyeekkkan~ camne lar my sis bley makan smpai abes...uwekkk~ then on the way nk balek....boley plak terserempak dgn BRIAN and his new GF i think hehehe weeewiiitt hot stuff haha sesuai ar ngan brian....actually i noe some of his gang going to kuantan but i didnt expect him to be there also hahaha and lagi skali membuatkan aku terpikir...bile lar aku nk dapat awek nie...ishk3...!!
Sampai sini je kowt kau nk bercerita hahaha utk hari esk da pn terplan aktiviti nyer...first gi amek tiket dlo utk balek ke Beranang then member aku ajak pegi tgk kucing besar harimau katenyer hahaha banyak betol lar binatang pelik yg diorang nk perkenalkan...aritu ikan arapaima kucing besar harimau plak...tak taw lar betol ke tidak...kalaw tak mmg aku pukul dedua ekor tu kat situ gak hehehe~ till then....kalo rajin esk aku update lagi kayh....
Alhamdulillah setelah dekat 3 bulan aku tak balek umah....dpt gak akhirnye balik bercuti kat uma....itu pn decide last minute....seb baek lar ader tiket huhuhu....ermm sbnrnye ape yg aku nk g taw nie adalah story sepanjang perjalanan aku balik hingga lar da ade kat kuantan nie...ehem2....nk start nie....
Around kol 12 lebey dengan baek hatinye...DM antar aku gi KTM Kajang sbb bas aku kat bukit jalil (sangat malas nk naek KTM) berat gak ar hati nk balik sbb perlu naek KTM n LRT...then da beli tiket....ngah sedap2 jalan utk tunggu train tetibe nmpak kalibat kawan sekolej hahaha....rupe2nye orang tua LAH bersama Cicoi? and sorang wanita....rupe2nye awek dye hehehehe kantoi...!!!! lepas jmpe sorang...jmpe lagi sorang...IQ plak...memule igtkan dier datang sorang2....rupe2nye...ngan awek gak....huhu aku gak yg sorang....huh...biler lar nk ade awek nie....
Tapi yang rase x bestnyer biler train da smpai......adoi ramai nyer berhimpit2....masok2 je baru aku sedar...dalam 'gerabak' tu ader 2 orang laki je termasok aku...huh mmg betol lar makin dekat da kiamat...bayangkan....2 laki...yang laen perempuan....penuh plak tuh...eiii~ biler nak betobat nie.....
Then terperuk lar aku kat bukit jalil tu selame 1 jam lebeyh....hihi tu lar sape suroh datang awal sgt (act. sbb first time naek kat situ) then slamat lar aku naek bas....and selamat smpai...and my dad fetch me up with his new car hehehe first time naek kete baru my dad...tapi tak sempat nk bawak pown...esk dye nak anta my mom ke KL so tak sempat nk bawak lari kereta tu sbb ahad nk balek wuuuu~~
Haa berbalik pade topik ni....baru tadi me and my family exclude my brother pergi dinner kat Black Canyon ECM....hehe makan lar aku kat situ smpai kenyang gile2....then my sis blanje BR(Baskin Robin) dengar belanje tu best da....but in the end...aku makan sikit je...sbb dye pegi amek flavor of the month (gingerbread) ouhhh sangat lar mengiiiyeekkkan~ camne lar my sis bley makan smpai abes...uwekkk~ then on the way nk balek....boley plak terserempak dgn BRIAN and his new GF i think hehehe weeewiiitt hot stuff haha sesuai ar ngan brian....actually i noe some of his gang going to kuantan but i didnt expect him to be there also hahaha and lagi skali membuatkan aku terpikir...bile lar aku nk dapat awek nie...ishk3...!!
Sampai sini je kowt kau nk bercerita hahaha utk hari esk da pn terplan aktiviti nyer...first gi amek tiket dlo utk balek ke Beranang then member aku ajak pegi tgk kucing besar harimau katenyer hahaha banyak betol lar binatang pelik yg diorang nk perkenalkan...aritu ikan arapaima kucing besar harimau plak...tak taw lar betol ke tidak...kalaw tak mmg aku pukul dedua ekor tu kat situ gak hehehe~ till then....kalo rajin esk aku update lagi kayh....
Going Home....
Yay finally got the chance to going back home...!!! after several month...finally can rest at home...!!!
P/S: pray for my safety ya guys...!!
P/S: pray for my safety ya guys...!!
Kelas....oh Kelas.....
Dear blogger....
Arini tetibe aku nk tulis pasal kelas...ade ape ngan kelas?? memandangkan bar list utk sem ni da keluar so....ramai lar student2 yang da stat malas2 g kelas....g kelas lambat...dan feel tu pn dah berjangkit kat aku....mmg rase malas tu mmg ade tak taw kenape....even assignment da banyak berkumpul tapi malas tu still ade...but aku kuatkan diri utk still pegi kelas sbb aku pikir walawpon miss satu kelas....byk mende yg aku akan miss...and aku rase rugi kalaw x pegi kelass....
Ishkk mende ni buatkan aku teringat kat zaman skolah dlo....kalaw ade je rase malas sket nak pegi skolah...mule lar pagi2 tu buat2 saket perot...pening kepale...then mintak ubat kat parent...and DONE!!! terlepas utk PONTENG skolah....
Kalaw time skolah dlo....PONTENG tu jadi satu kebiasaan...and tak rase rugi pape pown...even rase cambest pown ade....tak rase pown kalaw tak pegi rugi...hahaha~
Tapi biler zaman skolah dah habes...masok plak zaman kolej or university....feeling tu dah takde lagi...malahan biler tak pegi kelas tu...rase cam rugi gile and biler keesokan hari nyer pegi kelas...mule lar blurr je biler lecturer mengajar hehe....
Biler aku pikir2 balek...mmg patot sme org rase cam nie (or aku sorang je) sbb bile kite da tinggalkan zaman skolah....kite akan jadi lebey matang dan kite akan rase ilmu tu sgt penting utk diri kite sendiri...
Erkk smpai situ je kowt...aduyai....buruk giler closing post aku kali nie hahaha..!! but waddahell...ske ati aku aku..!! hahaha..!!
p/s: aku rindu gile nak ponteng kelas cam ponteng skolah dlo...!!!
Arini tetibe aku nk tulis pasal kelas...ade ape ngan kelas?? memandangkan bar list utk sem ni da keluar so....ramai lar student2 yang da stat malas2 g kelas....g kelas lambat...dan feel tu pn dah berjangkit kat aku....mmg rase malas tu mmg ade tak taw kenape....even assignment da banyak berkumpul tapi malas tu still ade...but aku kuatkan diri utk still pegi kelas sbb aku pikir walawpon miss satu kelas....byk mende yg aku akan miss...and aku rase rugi kalaw x pegi kelass....
Ishkk mende ni buatkan aku teringat kat zaman skolah dlo....kalaw ade je rase malas sket nak pegi skolah...mule lar pagi2 tu buat2 saket perot...pening kepale...then mintak ubat kat parent...and DONE!!! terlepas utk PONTENG skolah....
SMK Sultan Abu Bakar |
Kalaw time skolah dlo....PONTENG tu jadi satu kebiasaan...and tak rase rugi pape pown...even rase cambest pown ade....tak rase pown kalaw tak pegi rugi...hahaha~
Tapi biler zaman skolah dah habes...masok plak zaman kolej or university....feeling tu dah takde lagi...malahan biler tak pegi kelas tu...rase cam rugi gile and biler keesokan hari nyer pegi kelas...mule lar blurr je biler lecturer mengajar hehe....
Biler aku pikir2 balek...mmg patot sme org rase cam nie (or aku sorang je) sbb bile kite da tinggalkan zaman skolah....kite akan jadi lebey matang dan kite akan rase ilmu tu sgt penting utk diri kite sendiri...
Erkk smpai situ je kowt...aduyai....buruk giler closing post aku kali nie hahaha..!! but waddahell...ske ati aku aku..!! hahaha..!!
p/s: aku rindu gile nak ponteng kelas cam ponteng skolah dlo...!!!
1. Setiap hari Jumaat, pack segala barang anda dan bagitau kat roommate anda nak balik kampung. Selepas sejam, balik ke bilik & terangkan bhw takde org kat rumah. Unpack segala brg anda & pegi tidor.
2. Setiap kali roommate anda balik, jerit sekuat hati” horee…kau dah balik”. Lepas tu menari dlm 5 minit. Lepas tu, tenung jam lama2 dan tanya dia “Sepatutnya kau dah blah dah skrg”
3. Buat2 terjaga pd tengah malam, jerit kuat2 ” Tolong, kat mana aku berada ni?” dan lari keliling bilik tu. Kalau bilik kecil, cukuplah sekadar melompat 2-3 kali. Kemudian, sambung tidor. Esoknya, kalo dia tanya, pura2 tak tahu apa yg dia cakap.
4. Ambil marker, buat bulatan kecil kat lengan anda. Besarkan bulatan tu setiap hari sambil berkata “Dah merebak… dah merebak!”
5. Beli pepokok bonsai. Bercakap & tidor dengan pokok tu setiap hari. Selepas seminggu, bertengkar dgn pokok tu dan cakap “Aku tak boleh hidup sebilik dengan kau lagi” sambil keluar & menghempaskan pintu bilik dgn kuat…Buang pokok tu tapi biarkan pasu kat situ.
6. Beli pisau banyak-banyak. Tajamkan setiap malam sambil merenung roommate anda sambil berkata “Tak lama lagi…tak lama lagi…”
7. Duduk didepan papan chess dua-tiga jam tanpa buat apa2 atau cakap apa2. Lepas tu bangun secara tiba2 sambil berkata, “Siot betul, kalah lagi”
8. Setiap kali roommate balik, tutup lampu dan tidor. lepas dia keluar, bangun dan menjerit dgn kuat “Horee…!”. bukak lampu semula.
9. Pakai topi kertas. Bila dia balik, cakap “Selamat Datang ke McDonald. Boleh saya ambil pesanan anda…” Lepas tu buat muka bodoh, sambil berkata “Eh, kau rupanya…”
10. Kata kat roommate “Ada pesanan penting untuk kau”. Lepas tu buat2 pengsan. Lepas 2-3 jam, bangun dan cakap yagn anda dah lupa pesanan tu. Kemudian, cakap “Eh…aku dah ingat”. Lepas tu pengsan balik.
11. Bila roommate anda balik, berpura2 tengah telefon. Caci maki dan menjerit dengan kuat kat telefon tu. Lepas tu letak telefon dan cakap kat roommate bhw yg telefon tadi adalah mak dia. Cakap mak dia akan telefon balik.
12. Kalau roommate suka gosok gigi kat sinki, perhatikan sampai habis. Lepas dia habis, cakap dengan dia bhw anda kena ajar dia cara mengosok gigi dengan betul.
13. Edarkan risalah ke kawasan kedai/rumah kedai berdekatan rumah/kampus. Dalam risalah tu, nyatakan bahawa roommate anda hilang. Letak sekali gambar dia dlm risalah tu. Tawarkan hadiah kepada sesiapa yg menjumpai roommate anda.
14. Bila roommate anda tutup lampu pd sebelah malam, nyanyi lagu opera sekuat hati. Bila dia buka balik lampu, buat2 muka bodoh dan confused.
15. Duduk & renung roommate dlm 2-3 jam. Kalau boleh, bawa member2 sekali sambil makan kacang & popcorn. Buat macam tengah tengok wayang.
16. Masa roommate tiada, ambil deodoran dan sapukan pada seluruh dinding bilik. Bila dia balik, puji bahawa bilik berbau wangi. Lakukan selalu sampai deodoran tu habis.
17. Kalau roommate ada binatang peliharaan, spt kucing, offer utk beri makan kpd binatang tsbt. Cepat2 keluarkan botol gam atau minyak rambut sebelum dia beri persetujuan kpd kau.
18. Pegang & gosok-gosok rambut roommate anda sambil berkata “Rambut kau hitam, lurus dan berkilat la…Macam teknik rebonding…”. Sekali-sekala buat masa dia tengah tidur.
19. Mase roommate tido, bungkus dia macam kafan mayat (siap ikat), pastu panggil member dlm 10 bace yasin ramai2. bile rumet jage pakat2 buat x nmpk ape2.
20. Sebelum roommate balik dari kelas, bungkus diri sendiri macam kafan (siap ikat jugak) pastu baring senyap-senyap atas katil dia. Mesti dia terkujat sampai pengsan bila masuk bilik tengok2 ada mayat.
p/s: aku sgt suke artikel nie especially yg pasal pisau tuh hahaha~
2. Setiap kali roommate anda balik, jerit sekuat hati” horee…kau dah balik”. Lepas tu menari dlm 5 minit. Lepas tu, tenung jam lama2 dan tanya dia “Sepatutnya kau dah blah dah skrg”
3. Buat2 terjaga pd tengah malam, jerit kuat2 ” Tolong, kat mana aku berada ni?” dan lari keliling bilik tu. Kalau bilik kecil, cukuplah sekadar melompat 2-3 kali. Kemudian, sambung tidor. Esoknya, kalo dia tanya, pura2 tak tahu apa yg dia cakap.
4. Ambil marker, buat bulatan kecil kat lengan anda. Besarkan bulatan tu setiap hari sambil berkata “Dah merebak… dah merebak!”
5. Beli pepokok bonsai. Bercakap & tidor dengan pokok tu setiap hari. Selepas seminggu, bertengkar dgn pokok tu dan cakap “Aku tak boleh hidup sebilik dengan kau lagi” sambil keluar & menghempaskan pintu bilik dgn kuat…Buang pokok tu tapi biarkan pasu kat situ.
6. Beli pisau banyak-banyak. Tajamkan setiap malam sambil merenung roommate anda sambil berkata “Tak lama lagi…tak lama lagi…”
7. Duduk didepan papan chess dua-tiga jam tanpa buat apa2 atau cakap apa2. Lepas tu bangun secara tiba2 sambil berkata, “Siot betul, kalah lagi”
8. Setiap kali roommate balik, tutup lampu dan tidor. lepas dia keluar, bangun dan menjerit dgn kuat “Horee…!”. bukak lampu semula.
9. Pakai topi kertas. Bila dia balik, cakap “Selamat Datang ke McDonald. Boleh saya ambil pesanan anda…” Lepas tu buat muka bodoh, sambil berkata “Eh, kau rupanya…”
10. Kata kat roommate “Ada pesanan penting untuk kau”. Lepas tu buat2 pengsan. Lepas 2-3 jam, bangun dan cakap yagn anda dah lupa pesanan tu. Kemudian, cakap “Eh…aku dah ingat”. Lepas tu pengsan balik.
11. Bila roommate anda balik, berpura2 tengah telefon. Caci maki dan menjerit dengan kuat kat telefon tu. Lepas tu letak telefon dan cakap kat roommate bhw yg telefon tadi adalah mak dia. Cakap mak dia akan telefon balik.
12. Kalau roommate suka gosok gigi kat sinki, perhatikan sampai habis. Lepas dia habis, cakap dengan dia bhw anda kena ajar dia cara mengosok gigi dengan betul.
13. Edarkan risalah ke kawasan kedai/rumah kedai berdekatan rumah/kampus. Dalam risalah tu, nyatakan bahawa roommate anda hilang. Letak sekali gambar dia dlm risalah tu. Tawarkan hadiah kepada sesiapa yg menjumpai roommate anda.
14. Bila roommate anda tutup lampu pd sebelah malam, nyanyi lagu opera sekuat hati. Bila dia buka balik lampu, buat2 muka bodoh dan confused.
15. Duduk & renung roommate dlm 2-3 jam. Kalau boleh, bawa member2 sekali sambil makan kacang & popcorn. Buat macam tengah tengok wayang.
16. Masa roommate tiada, ambil deodoran dan sapukan pada seluruh dinding bilik. Bila dia balik, puji bahawa bilik berbau wangi. Lakukan selalu sampai deodoran tu habis.
17. Kalau roommate ada binatang peliharaan, spt kucing, offer utk beri makan kpd binatang tsbt. Cepat2 keluarkan botol gam atau minyak rambut sebelum dia beri persetujuan kpd kau.
18. Pegang & gosok-gosok rambut roommate anda sambil berkata “Rambut kau hitam, lurus dan berkilat la…Macam teknik rebonding…”. Sekali-sekala buat masa dia tengah tidur.
19. Mase roommate tido, bungkus dia macam kafan mayat (siap ikat), pastu panggil member dlm 10 bace yasin ramai2. bile rumet jage pakat2 buat x nmpk ape2.
20. Sebelum roommate balik dari kelas, bungkus diri sendiri macam kafan (siap ikat jugak) pastu baring senyap-senyap atas katil dia. Mesti dia terkujat sampai pengsan bila masuk bilik tengok2 ada mayat.
p/s: aku sgt suke artikel nie especially yg pasal pisau tuh hahaha~
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